7 Days Amboseli, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara

Combine Big Game, bird watching and sightseeing with 7 Days Amboseli, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara Kenya Safari that takes you the foot of Africa’s highest point before proceeding other world class safari destinations.

This is a 7 days safari starting from Nairobi.

Other 7 Days Kenya Safaris Upgrades to this Safari

7 Days Samburu, Sweetwaters/Ol Pejeta, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara Safari

7 Days Samburu, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara Safari

7 Days Tsavo East, Tsavo West, Amboseli, Lake Nakuru & Masai Mara


8 Days Aberdare, Samburu, Sweetwaters/Ol Pejeta, Lake Nakuru and Masai Mara Safari